
Some Physical Characteristics Fruits of Six Clones of Rambután (Nephelium lappaceum L.) in Mexico

A rebolledoo-Martínez, A. L. del-Ángel-Pérez and J. V. Megchún-García

Program and Abstracts, 3rd International Symposium on Longan, Lychee and Other Fruit Trees in Sapindaceae Family, August 25-29, 2008, Fuzhou, China. 132 pages.



Some Physical Characteristics Fruits of Six Clones of Rambután (Nephelium lappaceum L.) in Mexico

In Mexico, the rambutan is o­ne of the most important tropical promissory fruits for the domestic and international market. The objective was to identify some physical characteristics fruit of six clones of rambutan selected by the INIFAP, established in tropical humid climate of Mexico. The study was carried out in the south of Veracruz state, Mexico, in rambutan trees of six years old; it was evaluated fruits harvested of plants of six years of age of the clones 2, 15, 19, 40, 42 and 51; the experimental design was completely at random, with 30 fruits for clone. The harvest was realized the first week of September, 2007. The variables were weight, length, diameter and form of fruit; length and number of spines. The results showed that the clones 42, 15 and 51, were statistically similar and they were superior to the rest with values of 26 g per fruit. In length of spines, there were no statistical significant differences between clones; but in number spines, the clone 2 had statistically more spines that other clones with 414, superior in 70% the clowns 15, 42 and 51. In diameter of fruit, the clones 15, 19, 40 and 42 were statistically similar. It was concludes that the best was the clone 15.