
Firmness of Apples Assessed by non Destructive Techniques Compared to MT Firmness and its Consumer Rating

Hoehn. Ernst Franz Gasser, Hans Schaerer, and Daniel Baumgartner

Program and Abstract. 9th Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA2005). Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. July 5-10, 2005. page36



Firmness of Apples Assessed by non Destructive Techniques Compared to MT Firmness and its Consumer Rating Four apple cultivars Diwa , Elstar (l – MCP treated and controls) and ldared were stored under ULO conditions foe nine months.After removal from storage they were held at 20ºC for seven days.Firmness of the apples was assessed by non destructive measurements using a Greefa (IFD unit) as well as an Aweta (acustic unit) device.Following this, apples were subjected to consumer testing; o­ne apple per person and each tasting o­ne slice of an apple.On the remaining apple a MT firmness measurement was performed.Furthermore soluble solids content and acidity were determined.Correlation between non destructive and MT firmness was weak, whereas measurements generated by the Greefa and Aweta units concured.MT firmness was more reliable in predicting consumer judgment than the non destructive techniques.L-MCP Elstar were firmer than the untreated o­nes and were preferred by the consumers.