
Controlled atmosphere and modified atmosphere packaging preserve health promoting compounds in broccoli florest

Vallejo Fernando and Maria I. Gil

Program and Abstract. 9th Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA2005). Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. July 5-10, 2005. page31



Controlled atmosphere and modified atmosphere packaging preserve health promoting compounds in broccoli florest  The effect of controlled atmosphere (CA), active and passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and air storage o­n fresh-cut broccoli phytonutrients was evaluated. Broccoli florets (Brassica oleracea L.,var, italica cv. Marathon) washed with 100 ppm NaOC1were stored under CA (air + 6 kPa CO2 and 3 kPa O2 + 6 kPa CO2), active (4 kPa O2 + 7 kPa CO2) and passive MAP during 12 days of storage at 1°C. Changes o­n phenolic compounds (flavonoids and hydroxycinnamoyl derivatives) and aliphatic and indole glucosinolates were studied. CA (air + 6 kPa CO2 and 3 kPa O2 + 6 kPa CO2) and passive MAP (16.5 kPa O2 + 5.1 kPa CO2) preserved visual appearance and maintained external color after storage. however, exposure to high CO2 and low O2 resulting from active MAP (0.7 kPa O2 + 25.1 kPa CO2) produced off-odors and off-flavors after 9 day of storage. Total glucosinolates, both aliphatic and indol-aromatic constituents, were preserved under CA (3 kPa O2 + 6 kPa CO2) whereas pronounced decreases were observed under air. It was also observed that the influence of passive MAP was also important to maintain the content of glucosinolates. Caffeoyl-quinic, sinapic and ferulic acid derivatives as well as total flavonoids decreased noticeably after 12 days storage in air while were better preserved under CA (3 kPa O2 + 6 kPa CO2) or passive MAP. Therefore, benefits from CA (3 kPa O2 + 6 kPa CO2) and passive MAP include reduced rates of nutritional and quality losses and increased storage life. Since atmosphere modification using CA storage facilities are technically complex, MAP with the selected film could be used to achieve the beneficial atmospheres to preserve health promoting compounds in broccoli florets.