
Effect of Thiabendazole and Captan Fungicide and Different Packing Material on Controlling Kinnow Mandarin Decay Under Ambient Storage Condition

M. Karimpor, A.R. Zakerin and M. Jafarpor,

Book of Abstract. APEC Symposium on Assuring Quality and Safety of Fresh Produce, August 1-3, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand. 76 page.



Effect of Thiabendazole and Captan Fungicide and Different Packing Material on Controlling Kinnow Mandarin Decay Under Ambient Storage Condition

The loss due to decay is the most important problem of citrus during storage particularly in Jahrom which is considered as the major area of citrus production in Fars province. This study was carried out to find the effect of fungicides and different packing material o­n the decay, weight loss and other characteristics of Kinnow mandarin in ambient storage. In this study, thiabenadazole and captan (500, 1,000 and 1,500 mg/L) were used to treat the fruits before packing in two separate time ( 5 and 7 minutes) and single fruit packing with cellophane, plastic bag and oil paper. Fruits were stored for 119 days in ambient store with temperature ranges between 11.5-19°C and relative humidity (RH) at 53-68 Percent. Results indicated that TSS Fruits’ peel moisture content, weight loss and fruit decay had significantly differences with check during storage but pH and Ascorbic acid did not. In this Study oil paper showed lowest decay and highest weight loss than other treatments. Although fungicides and their concentration did not showed significant changes during storage, but thiabendazole 1,500 mg/L + Plastic bag had lowest weight loss and maintained market values.