
Non-destructive determination of soluble solids content in strawberries using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy with fiber optics in interactance modes: what is needed for the instrument?

H. Ito, N. Fukino-Ito, H. Horie

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 687:271-276



Non-destructive determination of soluble solids content in strawberries using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy with fiber optics in interactance modes: what is needed for the instrument?

Non-destructive determination of soluble solids content (Brix) in strawberries was performed using both a bench type instrument (NIRSystems 6500) used all over the world and a portable instrument (Kubota K-BA100) and it was discussed what is needed for this type of instrument with a fiber probe in interactance mode. K-BA100 appeared to be more useful than NIRSystems 6500. Especially, quality of spectra appears to be important to estimate Brix accurately. It is concluded that an improvement needs to be made for K-BA100 to measure the spectra of very small strawberries properly and for NIRSystems 6500 to estimate Brix in strawberries more accurately.