
Shelf life and quality changes of strawberry cultivars

A.M. Krivorot, R. Dris

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 570:755-758.



Shelf life and quality changes of strawberry cultivars

The shelf life of newly cultivated strawberry cultivars were investigated at the Belarusian Research Institute during 1992-1995. The experimental cultivars Festivalnaya, Florida, Holiday, Krasny Bereg, Redgauntlet, Rubinovy Kulon, Senga Sengana, Surprise des Halles, Tenira and Venta were stored at 0ºC and 90-95% RH in lots nonpacked or packed in polyethylene bags. The concentration of soluble solids (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid, sugars and pectins were determined at harvest and after storage. The incidence of disorders was recorded. After storage, SSC, TA, ascorbic acid and pectin concentration in all cultivars were decreased and the level of sugars (mainly monosaccharides) increased. Packing strawberries in polyethylene bags decreased respiration, maintained quality, and prolonged the shelf life. Nonpacked ‘Festivalnaja’, ‘Krasny Bereg’ and ‘Rubinovy Kulon’ could be stored for 7 days and the other cultivars for 10 days. In packages, ‘Festivalnaya’, ‘Krasny Bereg’, ‘Rubinovy Kulon’, ‘Senga Sengana’, ’Florida’ and ‘Redgauntlet’ could be stored for 20-22 days and ‘Holiday’ and ‘Venta’ for 25 days.