
Effect of maturity and storage conditions on rishitin accumulation and disease resistance to Botrytis cinerea in UV-C treated tomato fruit

M.T. Charles, R. Corcuff, D. Roussel, J. Arul

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 599: 573-576.



Effect of maturity and storage conditions on rishitin accumulation and disease resistance to Botrytis cinerea in UV-C treated tomato fruit

Hormic UV-C dose of 3.7 kJ/m2 was applied to greenhouse-grown tomato fruit. The fruit were treated at two stages of maturity, a.i green-mature and turning. They were stored under two storage temperature (13 and 20 °C) and two relative humidity (75 and 95%) conditions. The irradiated fruit were inoculated with a Botrytis cinerea spore suspension. Rishitin accumulation and disease development were evaluated. Fruit treated at the green-mature stage and stored at 13 °C and 95% relative humidity showed a greater risihitin accumulation. Botrytis cinerea was also more effectively controlled in irradiated fruit stored under these conditions.