
Relation between cultivar and keeping quality for batches of cucumbers

R.E. Schouten, L.M.M. Tijskens, O. van Kooten, G. Jongbloed

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 599: 451-459.



Relation between cultivar and keeping quality for batches of cucumbers

This paper focuses o­n the characterisation of the cultivar effect in batches with respect to batch keeping quality based o­n colour measurements o­nly. To do so, a correction for the maturity per batch had to be made for two batches per cultivar. This left the cultivar information with respect to the batch keeping quality. This method to extract cultivar information out of cucumber batches is shown for six batches from three cultivars (‘Volcan’, ‘Beluga’ and ‘Borja’) over two growing seasons. The method consist of describing the batch keeping quality determining property o­n an individual level and then translating it to a batch level, thereby introducing and describing biological variation. It turned out that the best cultivar, with respect to batch keeping quality, was ‘Borja’, followed by ‘Beluga’ and finally ‘Volcan’. This paper demonstrates how to use the biological variance present in all biological batches; to take advantage of the biological variation instead of seeing and dealing with it as if it were a nuisance.