
Postharvest hot air treatments effect on insect mortality and quality of sapote mamey fruit (Pouteria sapota)

E.M. Yahia, R. Ariza

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 604:691-695.



Postharvest hot air treatments effect on insect mortality and quality of sapote mamey fruit (Pouteria sapota) Sapote mamey fruit (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore and Stearn) is very sensitive to infestation with fruit flies, especially with Anastrepha serpentina. There is no quarantine treatment used in Mexico for this fruit, and therefore its entrance to many national and international markets is restricted. In this work we have investigated the effect of forced hot air treatments o­n insect mortality and o­n the quality of the fruit. Fruits were exposed to different hot air treatments at 40, 43, 45, 46 or 50ºC for 120, 150 or 180 minutes, and were then stored at 10ºC or 25ºC for up to 15 days. Larvae and eggs mortality was achieved at 43ºC for 120 minutes. Lower temperature (40ºC for 120 minutes) was effective in causing the mortality of larvae, but not of eggs. Heat treatment at 43ºC for 120 minutes did not cause fruit injury, and caused the least loss in firmness, fruit mass, and color. However, hot air treatments at 50ºC caused fruit injury and significant losses in texture, fruit mass and color.