
Introduction of an accredited quality control system in a postharvest laboratory: the fairy garden beyond the paper mountain

E. Bobelyn, A. Schenk, B.E. Verlinden, B.M. Nicolaï

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 604:361-369.



Introduction of an accredited quality control system in a postharvest laboratory: the fairy garden beyond the paper mountain The Flanders Centre of Postharvest Technology (VCBT) has introduced an accredited quality control system according to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The accredited scope covers the measurements of quality attributes of fruits and vegetables. The implementation of the system involved the fulfilment of several management and technical requirements. Therefore a well structured document flow was established. Whereas for some measurements ISO standards were available, for other methods new procedures, calibration and validation methods had to be developed. A lot of effort was paid towards developing a training program for the staff. Also an efficient monitoring and control of the work and the storage conditions was necessary to produce valid test results. This accreditation has made it possible to meet the requirements of the customers of the VCBT, i.e. the Belgian Fruit and Vegetable Auctions.