
Mango production and marketing in Zanzibar: potential, issues and constraints

E.I. Niyibigira, V.Y. Lada, Z.S. Abdullay

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 621: 89-93



Mango production and marketing in Zanzibar: potential, issues and constraints

The paper examines prospects and constraints in the production and export market of mango, particularly the Boribo Muyuni, a popular mango variety in Zanzibar. It identifies the steps undertaken by government and private sector in stimulating production and marketing. The main constraints include suitability of o­nly a few varieties for export, seasonal variability in output; pests and disease problems particularly the Mango fruitfly, Ceratitis cosyra, high freight charges, limited cargo space and lack of technical know-how o­n scientific management practices. The paper also identifies the steps undertaken by government to remove the constraints to promote exports, such as expanding nurseries, pricing, extension and training and research. Recently there is significant demand for mango for export market, mainly to Gulf States. The demand for mango in Gulf States is higher during October to March, which is the off-season for the major suppliers, India and Pakistan. Mango exports have been consistently rising from 16 tons in 1992, then 36 tons in 1994 to about 100 tons in 1995 worth $60,000 of which 30% was earned by farmers. Mango exports are projected to reach 2,000 tons worth $1 million by the year 2007. Distribution of current mango production areas is provided.