
Post-harvest action: the global postharvest forum

J.A. Heyes

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 628:55-61



Post-harvest action: the global postharvest forum

PhAction is a forum for postharvest researchers who believe that lasting positive change in developing countries will result from paying more attention to the postharvest sector. For example, food security can be strengthened through the minimisation of postharvest losses, which otherwise lead to much of the harvest being wasted. Monetary returns to growers can be increased by targetting fresh and processed produce to the most appropriate markets. Selecting appropriate markets requires attention to be paid to the handling, storage, transport and marketing options available. Rural communities will be strengthened as returns to growers increase and new employment opportunities arise (e.g. in packhouses or processing plants). PhAction is working with other international agencies to raise the profile of the postharvest sector and prepare a major collaborative programme, ‘Linking Farmers to Markets’.