
Consumer willingness to pay for environmentally friendly produced vegetables in Thailand

C. Vanit-Anunchai, E. Schmidt

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 655:107-113



Consumer willingness to pay for environmentally friendly produced vegetables in Thailand

This paper presents factors that influenced o­n consumer’s purchasing decision and evaluations of willingness to pay (WTP) for the environmentally friendly produced vegetables (EFPV) in Thailand by using the double-bounded contingent valuation method with in-person interviews. The results indicated that WTP was positively related to frequency of purchasing EFPV, Macrobiotic diet, health problem, chemical concern and age, and negatively related to frequency of cooking. The respondents were willing to pay a price premium almost 100% - compared to an average price increment of o­nly 78% observed in the retail shops. We suggest that there is still a relatively high potential demand for EFPV in Thailand.