
Co-operating in vertical marketing systems to ensure regional product quality

A. Wirthgen

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 655:33-40



Co-operating in vertical marketing systems to ensure regional product quality

Market saturation, increasing competition and price pressure force farmers to search for sustainable, competitive business opportunities. Product differentiation via vertical regional marketing concepts could be o­ne strategy. Consumers show significant potential demand for regional food, in particular if environment-friendly produced, controlled and traceable. Many caterers and some actors of the food industry and the retailing sector are concerned with vertical regional marketing concepts. The retailing sector is the crucial limiting factor o­n the demand side. It shows the lowest willingness to pay and furthermore retailers’ interest is o­nly directed towards listing regional specialities, seasonal foods as well as farmer markets integrated in a shopping centre. o­n the other hand also many producers stated their willingness to co-operate in regional marketing o­n the horizontal and vertical level. However, o­nly a few producers take stock in environment-friendly production. Nevertheless, overall o­ne can conclude the opportunities for vertical regional marketing systems focusing o­n environment-friendly product quality look promising.