
Strategic drivers in the New Zealand fresh produce supply chain

H. Maurer, A-M. Arts

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 655:25-32



Strategic drivers in the New Zealand fresh produce supply chain

Previous research identified the strategic drivers in the New Zealand fresh produce industry as supply, supermarket buying power, bananas and distribution. Underlying conditions that act as enablers for successful produce industry supply relationships are strategic fit, trust, economies of scale and level of integration. A subsequent category specific research project that focused o­n summerfruit yielded not o­nly summerfruit specific information, but also data that, when analysed within the framework generated by the previous research, provided new insights into the relationship between identified individual strategic drivers as well as the relationship between the grouped drivers and the underlying conditions. Produce supply to supermarkets is a permanent balancing act between produce category specific requirements such as ripeness at harvest, post-harvest handling and storage and the reality at point-of-sale, which has retailers offering the entire range of fruit and vegetables for sale, inevitably within a compromise-governed environment. This article examines these issues and the way they present themselves in New Zealand.