
Humidity and temperature effects on invasive and non-invasive firmness measures

Maarten L. A. T. M. Hertog, Ruth Ben-Arie, Erika Róth and Bart M. Nicolaï

Postharvest Biology and Technology Volume 33, Issue 1 , July 2004, Pages 79-91



Humidity and temperature effects on invasive and non-invasive firmness measures

The effects of humidity and temperature o­n firmness of ‘Tradiro’ tomato were studied to discriminate between the effect o­n the biochemical process of cell wall breakdown and the effect o­n the physical process of water loss. Firmness was evaluated using an invasive puncture test and non-invasive compression force and acoustic firmness measurements o­n tomatoes stored at 12–23 °C and 30–100 % relative humidity (RH). The rate of softening of tomato measured using the invasive technique depended o­nly o­n temperature, whereas the rates of softening measured using the non-invasive techniques depended o­n both temperature and the applied water vapour pressure deficit (WVPD).

By modelling the data it was demonstrated that the softening measured by non-invasive techniques has two components—an autocatalytic enzymatic process and an exponential process driven by the WVPD, explaining 97 % of the observed variation.

Together with literature data o­n pear and apple, a strong case is presented to support the hypothesis that acoustic firmness is largely a measure of the mechanical stiffness of the tissue, which is based o­n both the mechanical strength of the cell wall and the tension under which the tissue is held by turgor pressure.