
Fusarium pallidoroseum in maize samples of three agro-ecological zones of Cameroon

A. Tagne, O. Kongsdal, Z. Ngoko, C. The and S. B. Mathur

Journal of Stored Products Research Volume 39, Issue 4 , 2003, Pages 367-374



Fusarium pallidoroseum in maize samples of three agro-ecological zones of Cameroon

Investigations were conducted to determine the presence of mycotoxigenic fungi in maize samples from Cameroon. The deep freezing blotter method, and the medium DG-18, with and without 1% sodium hypochlorite surface sterilization pre-treatment, were used. The plated grains were incubated for 7 days under a cycle of 12 h (NUV) daylight and 12 h darkness. Fusarium pallidoroseum was found infecting 12% of the tested grains. Eleven samples out of 65 tested were found infected, 2 samples from the locality of Melong in the humid forest agro-ecological zone with monomodal rainfall, 1 from Foumbot and 2 from Bamenda in the highlands agro-ecological zone, and 6 from Yaounde, in the humid forest with bimodal rainfall agro-ecological zone. An infection rate of 2% of the grains was found o­n blotter paper while o­nly 1% was recorded o­n the reduced water activity medium DG-18, with or without surface sterilization. F. pallidoroseum is reported here for the first time from maize samples of Cameroon. This underlines the need for detailed research o­n toxigenic fungi and the improvement of common storage practices to avoid mycotoxin contamination and the resulting human and animal health problems.