
Development of genomics and informatics tools for tomato: utilization to assess fruit development and ripening

Giovannoni J. and Fei Z.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.128



Development of genomics and informatics tools for tomato: utilization to assess fruit development and ripening A large tomato expressed sequence tag (EST) dataset (152,635 total) was analyzed to gain insight into differential gene expression among diverse plant tissues representing a range of developmental programs and biological responses. The ESTs were clustered and assembled to a total of 31,012 unique gene sequences. To better understand tomato gene expression at a global lever and to identify differentially expressed and tissue specific genes, we developed and implemented a digital expression analysis protocol. By clustering genes according to their relative abundance in the various EST libraries, expression patterns of gene across various tissues were generated and genes with similar patterns were grouped. In addition, tissues themselves were clustered for relatedness based o­n relative gene expression as a means of validating the integrity of the EST data as representative of relative gene expression. Arabidopsis EST collections were also characterized to facilitate cross-species comparisons where possible.

Statistical analysis of EST prevalence in tomato fruit libraries resulted in 333 genes being classified as fruit ripening-induced and 185 as fruit ripening-repressed (P<0.05). Tomato fruit digital expression data was also compared to publicly available grape EST data to gain insight into molecular manifestation of ripening processes.