
Effect of treatment on the fungus, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and anthracnose of mango fruits

Sopee J. and Sangchote S.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.105



Effect of treatment on the fungus, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and anthracnose of mango fruits An effect of heat treatment o­n Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz., causal pathogen of anthracnose of mango, was conducted Conidia treated with hot water 55°C for 5 min produced 1% of appressoria whereas untreated produced 100% of appressoria after 36 hr of incubation. Disease severity o­n mango fruits inoculated with hot water treated conidia was 1.3% whereas 14.9% o­n untreated. At the depth of 1 mm from fruit surface, an infection was reduced by 80% after treated with hot water at 55°C for 5 min. Disease incidence o­n inoculated mango fruits which were treated with hot water at 55°C for 5 min, vapor heat at 46.5°C for 10 min, hot water at 55°C for 5 min and vapor heat 46.5°C, and untreated was 0.4, 0.5, 0.2 and 29.4% respectively. Fruits treated with these treatments showed o­n significance difference in weight loss, total soluble sold, and total acid.