
Fungal mechanisms modulating disease development in postharvest pathogens interactions

Dov Prusky

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.100



Fungal mechanisms modulating disease development in postharvest pathogens interactions In the long association with pest and pathogen, plants and specifically fruits and vegetables, evolved and impressive array of defensive tools. At the same time, pest and pathogen developed mechanisms to comprise plant resistant mechanism in what must have been an evolutionary game. From the early years when the gene-for-gene hypothesis was formulated and the first pathogenicity genes were reported and up to the recent isolation of disease resistance genes a significant amount of data at the molecular and cellular level has added to our understanding of how specific host interactions modulate pathogenicity. Modulation of fungal pathogenicity can be obtained by activating the signal transduction mechanism, metabolizing inhibitory factors and changing the ambient pH where colonization takes place. Ambient pH is important in that it determines the ability of the pathogen to successfully colonize and invade the targeted host, with the aid of secreted pathogenicity factors. Since pH is a critical consideration in the attack strategy of postharvest pathogen it has developed environmental sensing mechanisms that enable it to tailor ambient conditions to best fit its offensive arsenal. What are the mechanisms used by the pathogen and how could them be modulated to affect fungal colonization? Recent achievements will be summarized and future challenges will be discussed.