
Effect of 1-MCP on the respiration and ethylene production as well as on the formation of aroma volatiles in ‘Jonagold’ apple during the storage.

Xuan H., Streif J.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.55



Effect of 1-MCP on the respiration and ethylene production as well as on the formation of aroma volatiles in ‘Jonagold’ apple during the storage.    Ethylene inhibitors at the level of blocking the ethylene receptors can inhibit the ripening and senescence processes in several fruits and vegetables.There have already been many results about the effectiveness of 1-MCP o­n the maintenance of the most important quality parameters, such as firmness, colours, sugar and acid content.On the other hand, o­nly a little is known, about the MCP affect o­n the formation of fruit own aroma volatiles.In this work, the effect of 1-MCP o­n the gas metabolism of apple fruit, specially o­n the respiration, o­n the ethylene production and o­n the formation of aroma volatiles were investigated.

‘Jonagold’ apples were cooled to 5 °C immediately after harvest and treated with 1-MCP (625 ppb) during 24 h.Subsequently, apples were stored under refrigerated storage conditions in air and in CA for 7 months and sampled 4 times at fixed intervals.

During and 8 days shelf life period at 20 °C immediately after the treatment, the effect of 1-MCP was apparent through a distinctive decrease in respiration and a complete inhibition of the formation of ethylene and aroma volatiles.In contrast, the untreated control fruits showed a typically climacteric increase of respiration and ethylene formation.The differences in respiration and ethylene formation between the treated and untreated ‘Jonagold’ apples remained very different during the entire 7-months storage period.At the same time, the aroma volatiles production of 1-MCP treated fruits from CA storage was very low.However, after 5 months the MCP fruits stored in air showed an increase of aroma volatiles similar to untreated control fruits.