
Influence of preharvest calcium treatments on postharvest quality of some Estonian apples.

Moor U., Poldma P., Karp K., Asafova L., Pae A.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.48



Influence of preharvest calcium treatments on postharvest quality of some Estonian apples.  Current research was conducted with apple (Malus domestica) cultivars Kuldrenett, Krameri tuvioun, Talvenauding and Tellissaare in EstonianAgriculturalUniversity during 2002-2003.The aim of the research was to find out the influence of preharvest Calcium sprays from different sources, CaCl, and Ca(NO3)2, o­n postharvest quality and storability of apples.Samples of 300 fruits per plot were picked at optimum harvest stage and stored in commercial cold store in +2….+5 °C and 80…85% RH in normal atmosphere.

Storageperiod for ‘Kuldrenett’ and ‘Krameri tuvioun’ was 4 months.Following variables were measured at harvest and monthly during storage: loss of salable yield, loss of fresh weight, content of dry matter, soluble solids and organic acids.Main physiological disorders such as bitter bit, bitter rot and superficial scald were scored visually every month.On the average ofall cultivars, Calcium treatment had no effect o­n the amount of spoiled fruits at the end of the storage, but in most cases effect of cultivar was remarkable.Content of soluble solids, organic acids and dry matter of fruits after harvest was significantly reduced by calcium treatment and had values of 12.8 and 11.7% for soluble solids, 0.79 and 0.67% for organic acids and 13.1 and 12.3% for DM for control and calcium-treated variants, respectively.By the end of the storage season negative influence o­n content of soluble solids and vanished.Bitter bit incidence was significantly reduced by calcium treatment, but incidence ofbitter rot in calcium-treated ‘Krameri tuvioun’ was increased.Effect of calcium treatment o­n changes of mentioned quality characteristics during storage and their possible reasons will be discussed.