
Gene expression during early stages of hypoxic response in cut carnation flowers.

Kalaitzis P., Owen C., Vlad D., Shady E.H., Spano T.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004



Gene expression during early stages of hypoxic response in cut carnation flowers.  Despite the fact that modified and controlled atmosphere storage (hypoxia) has been used extensively by the food and horticulture industry for decades as a means of extending the storage life of fruits and vegetables, the molecular basis ofthis phenomeno is unknown.In general the effect of hypoxia o­nthe senescence of horticultural crops includes a decrease in respiration, a delay in the o­nset of the climacteric rise in ethylene production and a decrease in the rate of ripening.The cut carnation flower provides several advantages as a model system for study of hypoxia since exposure of carnation flowers to hypoxia does not present problems related to gas diffusion as occur in solid plant organs such as potato tubers and apples.Early stage response involves oxygen sensing and signal transudation of hypoxia.

Initially, we identified hypoxia-induced carnation alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) full-length cDNAs from hypoxic carnation petals and characterized their expression.Both cDNA from hypoxic carnation petals and characterized their expression.Both

cDNAsshowed a rapid, strong induction under hypoxia and anoxia.Their increase in expression was followed by a considerable increase of their enzymatic activities, particularly for ADH.

We also investigated the expression of prolyl-4-hydroxylase homologue cDNAs in response to oxygen limitation conditions that were identified from hypoxic carnation petals.In hypoxia-treated Arabidopsis plants, members of the prolyl-4-hydroxylase homologues are up-regulated within the first hours of exposure.In mammals, prolyl-4-hydroxylase are considered members of the oxygen sensing machinery and are involved in the regulation of hypoxic response.