
Abcission in Poinsettia.

Mathiesen C.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004. page 35



Abcission in Poinsettia.  Poinsettia (Euphobia pulcherrima) is a short day plant that initiates flowering when exposed to a photoperiod reduced beyond a critical value.Further development of the flowers (cyathium, pseudo-flower) is influenced by other environmental conditions.If the conditions during cyathium development are not optimal, their development is either delayed or subject to pre-mature abscission.Pre-mature abscission is undesired in poinsettia because it reduces the quality and the market value of this popular Christmas flower. Although it has been recognized that low light conditions might trigger cyathia abscission, the environmental regulation as well as the biological background of their abscission has not been investigated.

Generally abscission is heavily based o­n inter organ signaling events, but it is not clear at present how these signals co-ordinate the events within the abscission zone.The breakdown of cell wall matrix is likely to be a complex process involving highly co-ordinated series of changes in cell wall structure, cell physiology and gene expression.We use physiological, cellular and molecular tools as well as transgenic plants to elucidate the events.

Our lab has further developed a transformation method by electrophoresis to transfer plasmids into meristems of intact plants.We use reporter genes like GUS and GFP and promotors that are constitutive (355) and AZ specific to visualize successful transformations and expression.We have also developed a method to induce and synchronize abscission in poinsettia.RNA in situ hybridization with probes against potential AZ zone specific cell wall degrading enzymes can identify active enzymes at various time points during abscission.Differential display is used to compare mRNA from non-induced and induced AZ of cyanthia.We expect to identify novel genes and/or verify genes known from other plants to be involved in abscission.