
Study on expression of genes involved in ethylene biosynthsis and fruit softening in apple and nectarine.

Stella S., Costa F., Bregoli A.M., Ziosi V., Sansavini S.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004. page 9



Study on expression of genes involved in ethylene biosynthsis and fruit softening in apple and nectarine.   Fruit texture and long storage life are relevant features defining eating-quality apple.Fruits firmness as combined crispness, hardness and slow softening traits, is strictly related to the ripening physiological process, especially to the cell wall disassembly of fruit flesh.It has been widely demonstrated a relationship between cell wall disassembly enzymes and ethylene production in climacteric fruit.

In order to study this physiological correlation in apple, a comparison through a semi quantitative RT-PCR technique has been carried out o­n apple differing in firmness and ethylene production.Allele-specific primers were designed o­n apple homologues ripening specific sequences for ACO and ACS gene members involved in ethylene biosynthesis, and for isoforms of expanin and polygalacturonase playing a key role o­n fruit softening.

It has been observed a different expression of ACO and ACS genes according to the ethylene production in those samples: expansin and polygalacturonaed level agree with the general model of softening in two times : an early stage (expansin-dependent) and a late stage (peligalacturonase-dependent), proposed by Bennet (2002) and Rose et al. (1997) for climacteric fruit.The same primers, used for analysis o­n apple samples tested were effective also o­n nectarine, sharing a genetic similarity among the two species.