
Variability of apricot storage potential in relation to postharvest ethylene production.

Gouble B., Bureau S., Grotte M., Reich M., Reling P., Audergon J.M.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004. page 8



Variability of apricot storage potential in relation to postharvest ethylene production.    Apricot specie is characterized by a large variability in fruit quality and specially in ripening duration.Some apricots ripe in less than 8 days and some others in 3 weeks.In relation with this trait, the ethylene production varies a lot among ripe apricot fruits, from 5 to 6000 ml h-1 kg-1.After harvesting, the fruit put in air at 23 °C ripe faster than the fruits let o­n trees.Firmness decrease is always higher but colour change is quite similar, dependent of varieties and harvesting stages.

For ethylene production, great differences are observed.For most of studied varieties, postharvest ethylene production is multiplied by 10 to 100.This fact would be in relation with the storage potential of apricots.Indeed, apricots like Bergeron which can be stored for 3 weeks is o­ne of the varieties producing low ethylene level after harvesting.Pre-treatment with 1-MCP before low temperature storage gives interesting results o­n Bergeron and it could be extended to these low potential varieties.