
Primarily study of boletes diversity in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai Province

Sulichet thongklam and Uraporn sardsud

20th Biennial Conference of the ASIAN ASSOCIATION FOR BIOLOGY EDUCATION “Roles of Modern Technologies in Biology Education”. Chiang Mai University. Chiang Mai, Thailand. 27-30 December 2004. Page 35.



Primarily study of boletes diversity in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai Province   A Survey o­n the diversity of boletes in DoiSuthep-PuiNational Park was conducted during June 2003-July 2004. The average temperature and humidity during that time was between 18-27°C and 78-100%, respectively. Sixty specimens of boletes were collected, examined and identified by using keys of Corner (1972), Ellis and Ellis (1990) and Moser (1983). Boletes were most abundant between June to October during which temperature was 16-27°C, relative humidity was 82% and pH 4-6 in soil. At the same period in 1997-1998, boletes were found belonging to two families, Boletaceae and Strobilom ycetaceae. In family Boletaceae there were Boletus coccineinanus, B.fragrans, B.impolitus, B.magnificans, B.queletii, B.radicans, B.regius, B.retisporus, B.speciosus, Gyroporus castaneus, Leccinum crocipodum, L.griseum, L.oxydabile, L.scabrum, L.thalassinum, Pulveroboletus ravanelii, Rubinoboletus ballouii, Suillus granulatus, S.grevillei, S.placidus, Tylopilus humilis, T.nigerlimus, Xerocomus moravicus and X.rubellus. In the family Strobilomycetaceae there were Boletellus emodensis, Porphyrellus porphyrosporus, Storbilomyces mollis and S.trobilaceus. In this investigation the boletes species were found less than the previous reports. Eighteen species of boletes belong to 7 genera in the family Boletaceae and three species are from 3 genera of the family Strobilomycetaceae were found. Phylogenetic relationship using ribosomal DNA sequences (rDNA) within the interested taxa of boletes will be analysis in future studies.