
Modified atmosphere packaging: new developments and practical limitations for extending the postharvest life of fresh produce


Proceedings of the APEC symposium on postharvest handling systems Bangkok, Thailand September 1-3, 2003. p. 79



Modified atmosphere packaging: new developments and practical limitations for extending the postharvest life of fresh produce The possibility of using plastic films to restrict gas exchange, and thus lower oxygen and increase carbon dioxide levels via the action of fruit respiration was noted over 50 years ago (Gebhardt and Wright,1948). Even in these first studies, the risk of disease and anaerobic respiration was noted when packages were not properly designed. Over the past 50+ years, the reliability and consistency of films have been vastly improved, and there is a much greater understanding of the processes involved. In addition, modeling of MA packaging has improved dramatically since first published models in the 1970s. It was not until the 1980s that cut lettuce products first became an important commercial item successfully utilizing MA packaging. Plastic packages for cut salad products are convenient and permit branding. Low oxygen generated by respiration in MA packages specifically slows oxidation processes such as browning of lettuce and generally retards metabolic processes. Plastic films also limit water loss. The success of modified atmosphere (MA) packaging of lettuce and certain salad greens has led to new innovative products, marketing strategies, and enhanced sales. Yet, few other successful applications can be cited, though researchers throughout the world continue to trial MA packaging o­n new crops. To develop a better understanding of MA packaging in general, and why it has variable success rates, it is useful to analyze gas exchange and product response to altered gas levels.