
b-Glucan and mineral nutrient contents of cereals grown in Turkey

Ayhan Demirbas

Food Chemistry Volume 90, Issue 4 , May 2005, Pages 773-777



b-Glucan and mineral nutrient contents of cereals grown in Turkey

Mixed-linked (1®3), (1®4)-b-D-glucan contents of 14 selected cereal grains grown in Turkey, such as barley (Hordeum vulgaria), beans, canary seed (Tropaeolum peregrinum), corn/maize (Zea mays), flax, lentil (Lens culinaris), millet (Panicum miliaceum), oat (Avena sativa), peas, rice, rye (Secale cereale), spelt (Triticum spelta), spring wheat and winter wheat, were determined quantitatively using enzymatic methods. By using pure b-D-glucanase and b-D-glucosidase in the experiments, (1 ® 3), ( 1®4)-glycosidic bonds of linear polysaccharides found in cell-wall endosperm of plant seeds were hydrolyzed and the resulting b-D-glucans were determined by using glucose oxidase/peroxidase solution and measuring the absorbances at 510 nm in a UV-spectrophotometer. The nutrient mineral contents of the 14 selected cereal grains were studied. Some macronutrients such as K, Ca, Mg, N, P and S, and some micronutrients, such as Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, and B, were analyzed by using atomic absorption spectrometric (AAS) methods. A flame photometer was used for determination of potassium. After oven drying of the samples, P was determined by a colorimetric method.