
Effects of soaking whole cereal and legume seeds on iron, zinc and phytate contents

Isabelle Lestienne, , Christèle Icard-Vernière, Claire Mouquet, Christian Picq and Serge Trèche

Food Chemistry Volume 89, Issue 3 , February 2005, Pages 421-425



Effects of soaking whole cereal and legume seeds on iron, zinc and phytate contents

The effects of soaking whole cereal (maize, millet, rice, sorghum) and legume seeds (mung bean, cowpea, soybean) o­n iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and phytate (Phy) contents were investigated. In all the above cereals, except millet, the molar ratios of Phy/Fe were above than 14, and ratios of Phy/Zn were above 20 while, in legumes, ratios were lower. Soaking whole seeds for 24 h led to leaching of iron and, to a lesser extent, of zinc ions into the soaking medium. Soaking led to a significant (P£0.05) reduction in the phytate content of millet, maize, rice and soybean, but did not improve the Phy/Fe molar ratio, while decreasing the Phy/Zn molar ratio o­nly slightly. Soaking o­n its own was not found to be a good method for improving mineral bioavailability but the results showed that, in combination with other treatments, or with optimized soaking conditions, it could nevertheless prove useful.