
Prediction of respiration rate of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit by the principle of enzyme kinetics.

Mahajan, P. V. and Goswami, T. K.

Journal of Interacademicia. Volume 6, Number 2, 2002. Pages 156-165.



Prediction of respiration rate of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit by the principle of enzyme kinetics.

For predicting the respiration rate of L. chinensis fruits using the principle of enzyme kinetics, the dependence of the respiration rate on O2 and CO2 concentrations were correlated with the uncompetitive inhibition enzyme kinetic model. The model parameters were calculated using the multiple regression analysis of respiration rate at various O2 and CO2 concentrations during storage for 0-120 h. The predicted respiration rate was verified under optimum controlled atmosphere storage conditions (3.5% O2 and 3.5% CO2 at 2 deg C). The respiration rate decreased with decreasing O2 and increasing CO2 concentrations. The mean relative deviation moduli between predicted and experimental (storage of L. chinensis cv. Bombai fruits at 2 deg C and using the closed system method for respiration measurement) respiration rates were 7.86% for O2 consumption and 7.78% for CO2 consumption. The good fit between predicted and experimental data indicate that the model can be used to predict the respiration rate of L. chinensis fruits stored at any combination of O2 and CO2 under 2 deg C.