
Effect of pulsing with sucrose on vase life of tuberose.

Nagaraju, H. T.; Narayanagowda, J. V.; Nagaraja, G. S.;

Floriculture research trend in India. Proceedings of the national symposium on Indian floriculture in the new millenium, Lal-Bagh, Bangalore, 25-27 February, 2002



Effect of pulsing with sucrose on vase life of tuberose.

A study was carried out during 2000-01 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, to investigate the effect of sucrose along with pulsing duration on the postharvest physiology of cut tuberose [Polianthes tuberosa] flowers. The flowering spikes of tuberose cv. Double at 50 cm length were used when first lowermost floret was opened. All the leaves except 2 or 3 below the florets were removed. Treatments comprised a control (500 ml of distilled water) and 500 ml of distilled water with 2.50, 5.00, and 10.00% sucrose for 4, 8 and 12 h pulsing duration. On the 4th day the water balance was maximum (1.04) by the spikes pulsed with 5% sucrose for 8 h. The minimum water balance of 1.25 was noticed with pulsing treatment of 2.5% sucrose for 12 h, while on the 8th day the maximum water balance (1.02) was observed with 5% sucrose for 8 h. On the 12th day, spikes kept in 10% sucrose for 12 h recorded the best water balance of 0.97. The average fresh weight of individual spikes during the first 4 days was maximum (100.1 g) in 5% sucrose for 8 h. On the 8th day also same treatment recorded the maximum fresh weight of 106 g. The maximum fresh weight of 98 g was exhibited by the spikes pretreated with 5% sucrose for 8 h on the 12th day. The spikes pretreated with 5% sucrose for 8 h recorded the maximum vase life of 18 days and maximum percentage (71.2) of opened florets and minimum percentage (28.8) of unopened florets per spike.