
Respiratory characteristics of rough rice under unsteady atmospheric conditions.

Hu WenZhong, Yasunaga, E., Uchino, T. and Hori, Y.

Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. Vol. 56, No. 1, 2001. pp. 53-58



Respiratory characteristics of rough rice under unsteady atmospheric conditions.

The respiration rate of rough rice under unsteady atmospheric conditions was measured by the pouch method. The effects of the change in gas concentration, temperature and moisture content on respiration rate and respiratory quotient were also examined. The respiration rate of rough rice was greatly repressed with an increase in carbon dioxide concentration and a decrease in oxygen concentration at 20 and 30 deg C. The respiratory quotient was almost fixed at over 5.5% oxygen concentration without temperature change. Anaerobic respiration occurred at less than 5.5% oxygen concentration wherein respiratory quotient increased rapidly. Under atmospheric conditions, the respiration rate of rough rice increased with the rise in temperature, with a particular increase at high moisture content.