
Are adenine and/or pyridine nucleotides involved in the volatile production of prematurely harvested or long term ULO stored apple fruits?

Tan, T. and Bangerth, F.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 215-218.



Are adenine and/or pyridine nucleotides involved in the volatile production of prematurely harvested or long term ULO stored apple fruits?

Apple fruits harvested early or stored for a prolonged period of time under controlled atmosphere (CA) or ultra-low oxygen storage conditions have, in general, good keeping quality but often low aroma volatile production and inferior taste. Physiological reasons for the lower aroma production under these circumstances were investigated. The most plausible hypothesis explaining the low aroma production seems to be a low glycolytic respiration which does not provide the required ATP for the synthesis of free, polyunsaturated fatty acids, the main precursors of aroma volatile esters.