
Is the acoustic response of fruits a measure of firmness or of turgor?

Nerya, O., Ben-Shimol, T., Gizis, A., Zvilling, A., Sharabi-Nov, A. and Ben-Arie, R.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 473-476.



Is the acoustic response of fruits a measure of firmness or of turgor?

Fruits of pear cv. Spadona were kept in plastic boxes at 0 or 20 deg C. Relative humidity (RH) was regulated by means of circulating an air stream through distilled water (99% RH), saturated NaCl solution (85% RH) or silica gel (15% RH). Fruit weight loss and acoustic response (defined as firmness index, FI) were measured daily at 20 deg C, and every 2-3 days at 0 deg C. The apparent decline in fruit firmness of pears, as measured by FI, can be attributed to a loss in turgor arising from water loss. A direct correlation between fruit weight loss and change in FI was obtained.