
The effects of storage temperature and humidity on the water status and quality of Japanese pears.

Asakura, T., Muramatu, N. and Tanaka, K.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 731-733.



The effects of storage temperature and humidity on the water status and quality of Japanese pears.

Water status (water potential, osmotic potential and turgor), weight loss, shrivel appearance, soluble solids content, flesh firmness and juiciness were determined on Japanese pear 'Hosui' stored up to 3.5 months at different temperatures (2, 5.5 and 10 deg C) and a range of relative humidities, including near saturation. Water status was measured with an isopiestic thermocouple psychrometer. Low humidity conditions damaged the fresh appearance due to shriveling and reduced the juiciness due to water loss. The beneficial effect of nearly saturated humidity at a low temperature was observed after long-term storage of Japanese pear 'Hosui', since fresh appearance and sufficient juiciness were maintained without physiological disorders. Cell turgor varied between 0 and 0.12 MPa and high humidity contributed to the maintenance of turgor.