
Effect of mustard oil and benzyladenine on the shelf life of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda.

Sharma, R. K.; Dashora, L. K.;

Haryana Journal of Horticultural Sciences



Effect of mustard oil and benzyladenine on the shelf life of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda.

The effects of mustard oil emulsion (2%) and/or benzyladenine (50 and 100 ppm) on the shelf life of green-matured fruits of guava cv. Allahabad Safeda were determined. Fruits treated with oil emulsion+100 ppm BA recorded the lowest loss in weight (8.48%) after 8 days of storage. Both oil emulsion+50 and 100 ppm BA resulted in lowest rotting percentage, although differences in the effects of the treatments on rotting were not significant. The texture value and organoleptic rating decreased with storage period, with oil emulsion+100 ppm BA treatment resulting in the highest retention values (6.74 and 6.79, respectively). TSS increased with storage period, with the control recording the highest TSS (11.33%) and 2% mustard oil+100 ppm BA recording the lowest (10.36%). The acidity of fruits decreased with storage period, with 2% mustard oil treatment+50 or 100 ppm BA resulting in the highest acidity retention (0.298%). The total sugar content increased during storage in all treatments including the control, with fruits treated with mustard oil exhibiting reduced rate of increase of the total sugar content. After 8 days of storage, the lowest total sugar (7.96%) was recorded in fruits treated with 2% oil emulsion+100 ppm BA and highest in the control (8.25%).