
Core breakdown in Conference pears: a respiration-diffusion model for disks and intact pears.

Lammertyn, J., Scheerlinck, N., Verlinden, B. E. and Nicolai, B. M.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 279-280.



Core breakdown in 'Conference' pears: a respiration-diffusion model for disks and intact pears.

A lumped model, assuming no internal gas gradients, was proposed to model the oxygen uptake and consumption of pear tissue. To construct an oxygen depletion curve, the oxygen uptake of 40 disks (6 mm diameter, 1 mm height) was determined polarographically (Clark type O2 electrode) in 4 ml buffered (pH=7.4) reaction medium (0.56 M mannitol) in a small bioreactor (5 ml). A re-aeration curve was monitored on 160 pear disks in a large bioreactor (250 ml) with a Clark type O2 electrode. The oxygen concentration was controlled by injection of air or nitrogen. Re-aeration made it possible to measure the oxygen uptake rate several times at different oxygen concentrations with one set of pear disks. In contrast with the re-aeration curve, the oxygen depletion curve contains sufficient information to estimate the respiration and gas transfer parameters simultaneously.