
Corona discharge reduces mold on commercially stored onions.

Fan, L. H., Song, J., Hildebrand, P. D., and Forney, C. F.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 427-428.



Corona discharge reduces mold on commercially stored onions.

The effects of corona discharge on the control of decay in stored onions were investigated. The corona system was operated at 350 Hz and 2.5 kV, and the ozone concentration was controlled at set points of 50 ppb during the day and 250 ppb during the night. Onion quality was assessed after 2 and 4 weeks of storage under the corona system. Corona discharge treated onions had 2 times less mould and less weight loss compared to control onions. Airborne spores concentration was less in the storage room after corona discharge treatment compared to the initial concentration, resulting in low pathogen developments in onions.