
Use of a gas-releasing patch to regulate ethylene-mediated plant responses.

Mir, N. A. and Beaudry, R. M.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 2001. pp. 581-582.



Use of a gas-releasing patch to regulate ethylene-mediated plant responses.

A gas-releasing patch that can be used to promote or inhibit fruit ripening was assessed. Two patch types were constructed: a ripening patch containing ethephon, and a ripening inhibitory patch containing EthylBloc. Banana (Musa sp. cv. Valery) fruit was used as a model system to test patch efficacy. When the reaction was triggered, ethylene and 1-MCP release were rapid, unidirectional and of sufficient duration and amount to saturate promotion and inhibition (ethylene and 1-MCP, respectively) of banana fruit ripening. Fruits ripened approximately 4-5 days after the ripening patch was triggered.