
Causes and prevention of the main post-harvest rots of apple and pear.

Bertolini, P., and Mari, M.

Informatore Fitopatologico. Volume 51, Number 6, 2001. Pages 24-27.



Causes and prevention of the main post-harvest rots of apple and pear.

In recent years, the role and importance of some postharvest pathogens in Po valley, Italy was dramatically influenced by the neglect of some varieties, the reduction of others and the adoption of new control strategies in the orchard. Penicillium spp. has become the most destructive rot on stored pome fruits (apples) due to the more damaging procedures of harvesting and mechanical handling. Also, rots caused by Mucor piriformis are exacerbated by the use of mechanical handling and flotation water in packing houses. Rotted fruits contaminate water so that fruits successively dipped in it become infected. The control of the mentioned pathogens is very difficult to achieve due to the lack of activity of registered fungicides. Phlyctaena vagabunda [? Pezicula alba] still seriously damages pome fruits but the fungus can be easily controlled by postharvest dips with tiabendazole [thiabendazole]. Phialophora malorum [Sporotrichum malorum] at times causes serious losses in pears.