
Postharvest handling systems assessment of pak choi and Chinese cabbage in Eastern-central China.

Wang XiangYang and Bagshaw, J. S.

Postharvest handling of fresh vegetables. Proceedings of a workshop held in Beijing, China, 9-11 May 2001 / editor; Tim O'Hare [et al.] . Imprint Canberra : ACIAR, 2001. 126 p.



Postharvest handling systems assessment of pak choi and Chinese cabbage in Eastern-central China.

Postharvest handling systems for pak choi (Brassica chinensis) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) in eastern-central China were mapped, and losses assessed. The major losses in pak choi handling systems were from mechanical damage, weight loss owing to wilting, and leaf yellowing. The major losses in Chinese cabbage handling systems were from mechanical damage, storage disease (Erwinia rot), and weight loss resulting from wilting. Mechanical damage in pak choi was caused by rough handling when picking into field containers, stacking overfilled containers, washing, and loading onto trucks. Banding at retail markets also causes some mechanical damage. Weight loss occurs during home storage and at retail markets. Leaf yellowing is caused by high temperatures and delays through the handling system. Chinese cabbage mechanical damage is caused by general rough handling at all stages, but was particularly obvious during weighing and loading of fresh Chinese cabbage at collection centres. The outer leaves are removed by the wholesaler, then the heads are weighed. After weighing, the heads are thrown onto the ground, damaging the newly exposed outside leaves. During loading, loaders walk over produce causing damage. Trucks are overloaded, resulting in pressure damage to heads at the bottom of the load during transport to wholesale markets. Losses from storage rots are caused by storage in poorly ventilated pits under the growing field. Disease problems increased if storage pits were dug in fields with high levels of Erwinia rot. Freezing damage during storage contributes to rot development. Rots developing during long-distance transport in wet, warm weather can cause major losses. Some recommendations for improving handling systems are given in this paper.