
Postharvest treatments of high relative humidity (RH) and low temperatures reduce the incidence of Superficial Flavedo Necrosis (Noxan) of Shamouti oranges (C. sinensis, Osbeck).

Peretz, J., Moran, R., Lavie, B. and Yehoshua, S. B.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 301-302.



Postharvest treatments of high relative humidity (RH) and low temperatures reduce the incidence of Superficial Flavedo Necrosis (Noxan) of 'Shamouti' oranges (C. sinensis, Osbeck).

Results are presented of experiments conducted on orange cv. Shamouti aiming to reduce the incidence of superficial flavedo necrosis (noxan) developed after harvest by keeping the fruit under high RH and low temperature and by packaging or keeping the fruit in a high RH storage room. It was shown that noxan incidence of Shamouti was markedly reduced by several postharvest treatments, such as individual seal-packaging, packaging fruit in plastic bags or plastic liners or even by keeping the fruit in a saturated atmosphere for one week before storage. RH above 95% in the microenvironment around the fruit reduced water loss and maintained turgidity. This high RH was measured in all the treatments that reduced noxan incidence. Noxan incidence at 6 deg C was much lower than at 20 deg C.