
Research needs and new product development from underutilized tropical fruits.

Rashda Ali and Faiza Rab

Acta Horticulturae Year: 2000 Issue: No. 518 Pages: 241-248 Ref: 14 ref.



Research needs and new product development from underutilized tropical fruits.

Underutilized tropical fruits identified as having considerable commercial potential and nutritive value are described. Falsa (Grewia asiatica) produces a small purple berry which is consumed fresh and also produces a highly nutritious juice of a very attractive colour which is converted to a powder through spray drying. The powder has a long shelf life when packed using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Karonda (Carassa carandas) [Carissa carandas] produces a small berry which is white while immature but becomes pink/maroon during maturation. The juice is bitter and acid (pH 3-4), but the flavour can be modified by enzymatic treatment and use of additives has shown wide acceptability. Wild almond (Terminalia catapa) [T. catappa] is biennial and produces a deep red juice which can be used as a colourant in many food products including dairy and bakery products and juices. The fruits are also consumed fresh. The plant looks attractive during the winter due to the orange to red colour of the le

aves. The anthocyanins have been isolated and studied for their great affinity towards macromolecules, especially proteins. Thus, the water extract has shown potential for commercialization as a food colourant. The brown viscous pulp from tamarind (Tamarindus indica) has a delicious sour taste and is used as an additive in many food preparations, while the seed endosperm is a good gelling agent.