
Adjusting and storing, transporting, and [re]freshing the second harvested fruit during grape maturation.

Ma Yan; Xiu DeRen; Wang ShanGuang; Li LiXiu; Tian Yong;

Journal of Nanjing Forestry University Year: 2000 Vol: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 63-65 Ref: 8 ref.



Adjusting and storing, transporting, and [re]freshing the second harvested fruit during grape maturation.

Improvement of the quality of the second harvest of Jufeng grapes in the southern warm temperate region of China by controlling the maturation period of this harvest is discussed (based on market requirements and seasonal/regional climatic characteristics), with a view to obtaining a better quality second than first harvest. Improvements in fruit storage [re]freshing and transport are also discussed.