
Storability of garlic bulbs as influenced by postharvest clipping treatments and storage temperature.

Park YounMoon; Hwang JaeMoon; Ha HyunTae;

Journal of the Korean Society for Horticultural Science Year: 2000 Vol: 41 Issue: 4 Pages: 315-318 Ref: 13 ref.



Storability of garlic bulbs as influenced by postharvest clipping treatments and storage temperature.

Effects of clipping treatments (leaving 5 or 10 cm long stems) and storage temperature (ambient or 0 deg C) on garlic bulb quality were estimated for a spring-planted crop in Korea Republic. Garlic (cv. Eusung) was harvested in late June and dried for two weeks under field conditions. Bulbs (non-clipped and clipped) were dried for four weeks in a shed (cured), then stored for 7.5 months. Weight loss occurred most severely in control, non-clipped bulbs stored at ambient temperature. This weight loss increased sharply after 82 days of ambient storage before levelling off. For clipped bulbs stored at 0 deg C, weight loss was low but progressive. Less decay and internal sprouting were observed in bulbs stored at 0 deg C compared with those stored at ambient temperature. Clipping reduced internal sprouting. Incidence of brown spotty disorder was reduced by clipping and short-term storage at 0 deg C. After short-term storage, surface and flesh tissue firmness were better for cloves stored at ambient t

emperature. In contrast, after long-term storage, the surface tissue firmness and flesh viscosity were significantly higher in cold-stored cloves, while no clear difference was observed in the flesh tissue. Pyruvate content remained higher in cloves stored at ambient temperature compared with 0 deg C, although differences were not significant statistically.