
Metabolism of amino acids in white cabbage leaves as a response to postharvest conditions.

Wojciechowska, R.; Leja, M.; Mareczek, A.; Rozek, S.;

Sodininkyste ir Darzininkyste Year: 2000 Vol: 19 Issue: 3(2) Pages: 396-401 Ref: 14 ref.



Metabolism of amino acids in white cabbage leaves as a response to postharvest conditions.

Changes in total amino acids and free proline were determined in five strains of white cabbage during storage for 10 days at 20 deg C and for 2 months at 5 deg C. The content of total amino acids was significantly reduced after storage, irrespective of the temperature. Free proline accumulated in cabbage heads stored both at low and high temperature. The considerable increase in proline level during short-term storage at room temperature was due to temperature rather than to water stress. Long-term storage in a cold chamber induced proline accumulation.