
Post-production performance of impatiens plants grown in substrates containing compost.

Klock-Moore, K. A.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 2001 Issue: No. 543 Pages: 127-130 Ref: 9 ref.



Post-production performance of impatiens plants grown in substrates containing compost.

Plugs of impatiens (Impatiens walleriana cv. Accent Red) were transplanted into 400 ml pots filled with 0, 30, 60, or 100% compost made from biosolids and yard trimmings. Forty-two days after transplanting, plants were transferred to one of the three post-production watering schedules. Plants were watered every day, every two days, or every three days. At the end of both the production phase and the post-production phase, impatiens plants grown in 30, 60, and 100% compost were larger with more flowers than plants grown in 0% compost. For each growing substrate, plant size and number of flowers per plant were greatest for plants watered every day and lowest for plants watered every three days. It appears that the larger plants produced in the substrates containing compost performed better in the post-production phase but that all plants, regardless of growing substrate, need to be watered daily to maintain optimum plant quality.