
Substantiation of the applicable design of loading and separating device for flax dryers.

Sharshunov, V., Kruglenya, V., Maslovskij, A. and Kudriavtsev, A.

VII Miedzynarodowe Sympozjum Ekologiczne Aspekty Mechanizacji Nawozenia, Ochrony Roslin Uprawy Gleby I Zbioru Roslin Uprawnych, Warszawa, Poland, 18-19 wrzesien 2000 Year: 2000 Pages: 263-270 Ref: 6 ref.



Substantiation of the applicable design of loading and separating device for flax dryers.

To reduce seed losses of flax during harvesting it is necessary to process harvested flax heaps on special stations that are equipped with all the required machinery. At the same time it is necessary to design new machines and equipment and to improve the existing ones to reduce energy consumption during flax heap treatments and to increase the output of the stations. The physical and mechanical properties of flax heap harvested by a combine harvester was assessed. It was established that principal components in the flax heap are the flax balls (52-84%) and tangle with weeds (12-45%). When the average flax heap moisture content is 35-60%, the tangle moisture content is 60-65% and that of weeds - 70-80%. A drum separator was designed as part of the processing line to separate the tangle and weeds during the loading on conveyor or in a rotary drier.