
Effect of heat treatment on growth and pathogenicity of two species of Colletotrichum Corda in latent infection.

Liu XiuJuan; Huang ShengMing; Huang ZiHui; Yang Ye; Hu MeiJiao; Wang XiangShe;

Acta Phytopathologica Sinica Year: 1999 Vol: 29 Issue: 1 Pages: 91-95 Ref: 11 ref.



Effect of heat treatment on growth and pathogenicity of two species of Colletotrichum Corda in latent infection.


The effects of heat treatment on mycelial growth, spore germination and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum musae from latently infected banana fruit and C. gloeosporioides [Glomerella cingulata] from mango fruit also latently infected. The results showed that mycelial growth and spore germination were suppressed and pathogenicity was reduced when the pathogens were subjected to 55 deg C and 60 deg for 20 mins. C. musae was more sensitive to heat than G. cingulata. It is suggested that temperature and heating duration can be adjusted for different types of fruit for post-harvest control treatment.